About Us
Message from CEO
Welcome to Ansar Divine Light School and Skills Development Centre the integrated part of Ansar Welfare Society with the vision of serving the community in all the aspects of life by providing career and quality-based education, career counselling, professional and interpersonal development and training and other volunteer activities and awareness seminars.
Our city Sambhal just doesn’t require changes, but a complete overhaul of educational system and structure, a mindset of recognising the featured education, an attraction towards real education and knowledge and how can those efforts bring about the prosperity and success.
At the ADLS and Skills Development Centre we will try to establish systems and a mechanism full of advanced resources, infrastructure and credentials to fulfil those gaps for the students, graduates and youths to compete-out and perform at any level in this dynamic and agile world.
We will conduct high level of structural, motivational and technically advanced programs for teachers that will encourage, boost and reinstate their capability through comprehensive and hands-on training, counselling and presentations to make teaching more effective and contemporary.
Besides education and Skills development Ansar Welfare Society will also strive to help the most vulnerable section of our society. A volunteer system and programs that will create awareness, knowledge and help those truly in need through different channels of contributions.
With a moderate fees structure, next level quality of education and programs and having that utmost sincerity I invite all of you to be the part of this historical transformation and reforms.
May God Almighty bless you all.

Inamur Rehman
(BBIS, Australia)
CEO and Academic Director, ADLS
“Everyday at the Ansar Divine Light School is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.”